
Walking with those in addiction and their families through the journey of recovery.

Our Mission:

As a Christ-centered ministry, we strive to reflect Christ in every step of the recovery journey.

• We never give up because Christ has never given up on us.

• We share the hope we have in Christ to those who feel hopeless.

• We show acceptance and Christ-like love to everyone.

• We are non-judgmental in all our encounters.

Unforsaken was founded to create a safe place for people to seek help. We do not claim to have the answers. What we do have is love and compassion for people in need.

"My motivation for starting Unforsaken is I know there are a lot of people trying to navigate recovery on their own. They need a friend and an advocate who has been there to walk with them." - Glenn Sandifer, Founder of Unforsaken Ministry

5700 Deerfoot Pkwy
Trussville, Alabama 35173

EMAIL: glenn@unforsakenministry.com

WEBSITE: https://unforsakenministry.org/