ACTS 1:8 Missions Resources for Churches
Founded in 1833, the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association is a voluntary cooperative effort of 180 local churches, who lead mission and service opportunities in response to recognized needs in the community. Churches working together can go far beyond what any individual church could do alone. The mission of carrying the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our community and around the world is as important today as it was when our local churches first gathered in 1833 as the Canaan Association of United Baptists. These first churches came together from other associations that did not believe in supporting missionaries. Many of our current churches were started through mission work of BMBA.
In the Acts 1:8 Missions Resource for Churches, you will find missions opportunities in Birmingham, the US, and around the world, along with a description and contact information. We are providing this information as a helpful guide to our churches to connect with trusted sources for missions. If you have any questions, or if we can serve you in any way, please contact Marisa Taylor, BMBA Church Resource Specialist, at or (205)599-3245 x335.