Social Media & Newsletters

We offer support to our churches by helping them promote their ministries and events through our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter and also through our newsletters. If you have a job to post, items to donate, or other announcements to make, we can help spread the word among our 180 churches and hundreds of subscribers.

We offer two types of newsletters. First, we publish a print copy of our newsletter on the back page of The Alabama Baptist each week that is subscription-based. Please speak to your pastor or church office about getting a subscription through your church at no cost or a very low cost.

Secondly, we offer a digital email newsletter that contains the same informative article as the print copy, but without the space limitations as the print version. The digital version will come directly to your inbox each week. You may sign-up to receive our digital e-newsletter through our website by clicking on the link in the top right corner of the navigation bar.

If you have news to share or need more information, please contact Toni Wall, BMBA Marketing Specialist, at or call her at (205)599-3245.