Your Working Copy
Your Working Copy (YWC) is a nonprofit organization providing free audio access to the Word of God for all to hear. It’s an audio Bible with a distinct purpose: to engage our inquiring minds in the Word of God — to help us become comfortable in the Word as we listen to a voice that puts us at ease and that holds our attention.
YWC is not a gimmick to cajole us into reading our Bibles. The name implies that work must be done. The more work that is done, the more we learn and grow. The word ‘copy’ infers that YWC is a duplicate of what we already have in a form that is more useful to us. We can download an audio file to our favorite device and ENGAGE in the pursuit of GOD. His Word is His love letter to us!
Your Working Copy — just the Word of God in a format designed to make the Bible more accessible, less intimidating, and less confusing — a pleasant experience for all who dare to give it a try!
- Susan Bates, Founder of Your Working Copy
Your Working Copy is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free audio access to the Word of God for all to hear.
Where did the name, Your Working Copy, come from?
The idea of an audio Bible is one that the Lord placed in Founder Susan Bates more than forty years ago. She describes how it began, “It was Easter time. I was on my knees praying, and as I prayed, I experienced a glorious interruption. It seemed an annoyance at the time, but my prayer was interrupted with this thought, ‘I want you to use your voice for your life’s work.’ It dawned on me that God was speaking directly to me! I accepted His call on my life — right then and there.”
Before long, God impressed Susan with the notion that she should record the Bible in its entirety for others to hear. A journey that began many years ago finally became a reality.
“Faithful is He who calleth who also will do it.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:24