BMBA Disaster Relief Team: Ministry Goes on Amid Pandemic

Since the time I served my first pastorate, I have held Southern Baptist Disaster Relief in the highest esteem. Several years ago, an EF5 tornado moved through several communities surrounding my church. Dozens of people lost their lives. I had no idea how to respond or lead my congregation in a recovery effort. The “yellow shirt army” moved into our area to clean up debris, feed hungry people, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After one day of seeing the largest volunteer disaster relief organization in America at work, I was sold!

Your Birmingham Metro Baptist Association helped to clean up the Lawler Baptist Church, near Dora, after the Easter storm that damaged the property. I am proud of our BMBA Disaster Relief Team Leader, Greg Moore, and District Coordinator, John Hayes, for their stellar leadership. Along with this project, the team worked tirelessly to assist several families in the western communities in the Birmingham Metro area. Our team always shares the Gospel and distributes copies of the Bible to storm survivors. For many in the Birmingham area, the most visible presence we have as Southern Baptists is the BMBA Disaster Relief Team. Their work continues in Birmingham, even at this moment as I am writing.

Many do not realize that the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief work is a partnership with local Baptist associations. Most state conventions and denominational leaders partner churches, large and small, together in associational disaster relief teams. This intentionality helps provide cohesion among churches in areas of the state. This prevents a dependence upon disaster relief teams comprised of members of a single church, either large or small. Association disaster relief teams are not merely mission teams sent to solve a problem or meet a need. These teams provide a platform for networking churches together—building fellowship within the local Baptist association.

Despite COVID-19, your BMBA Disaster Relief Team is still making a difference. Thankfully, they have a new headquarters in an incredible facility at First Baptist Church of Center Point. As always, your team needs support and prayers. If you would like to make a special contribution to BMBA Disaster Relief, please mark your gift accordingly and mail to BMBA—750 Montclair Road; Birmingham, Alabama, 35213 or give online at

With sincere gratitude for our “yellow shirt” army,

Chris Crain 

Executive Director BMBA