BMBA Continues the Mission During COVID-19

Dear Birmingham Baptists,

Your leadership has responded appropriately to the COVID-19 crisis by appointing a BMBA Crisis Leadership Team for this unprecedented time. This team will monitor our ministry and progress weekly to ensure that we meet the needs of our churches by continuing to encourage, equip, and engage in the Great Commission ministry. These team members include the following:

  • Chris Crain—Executive Director of Birmingham Metro Baptist Association

  • Greg Corbin—BMBA Moderator

  • Mike Evans—BMBA Chairperson of Stewardship

  • Ric Camp—BMBA Chairperson of Personnel

  • Michael Ethridge—BMBA Director of Operations

This incredible team is working with our leadership and committees to continue our work in the Birmingham Metro area.

The BMBA Crisis Leadership Team presented a detailed COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan to the BMBA Executive Committee. This plan was adopted unanimously to provide a framework for conducting the ministry of the Association during the pandemic. The plan includes provision for our BMBA staff to continue their ministries. The BMBA will continue our relationships and collaborative efforts with Bessemer Baptist Association, Baptist Health System, local government, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, and partner organizations. Most of our staff will work from home to exercise caution and to help prevent the spread of the virus.

We are here for your church to support and guide you through these uncharted waters. To demonstrate that support, the BMBA Executive Committee has established a BMBA COVID-19 Caring Fund to assist pastors and staff through this crisis. As always, you can reach us through our usual channels of communication. Our newsletters and social media platforms will continue to operate so that you may stay informed about our ministry together. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any assistance.

Please continue to support your church during this tumultuous time. Here are three responsibilities we have to our churches right now:

1) Stay Connected: Please log in to online worship experiences and stay in touch with your small group. Maintain communication with your Sunday School class and volunteer teams. Let the people in your church know that you are plugged in and informed.

2) Serve Others: Check on senior adults and at-risk people in your church family. Volunteer to pick up mail or groceries. Provide support to families who are dealing with job loss or reduced income. Support those in need. This pandemic is a providential time to let the light of Jesus Christ shine in our communities.

3) Give Generously: This is not to bring judgment or shame to anyone! If you are in a position to give more during this trying season, please do so. Your extra gift can go a long way to support those in your church who are no longer in a position to provide financial support. The very existence of your church budget depends on your financial stewardship.

Here at the BMBA, we will continue to monitor available funds and make appropriate recommendations to BMBA leadership. We recognize circumstances are fluid and are prepared to revise this plan as changing conditions may dictate. The BMBA has been around since 1833—surviving the Civil War, The Great Depression, two world wars, and many other challenging times. God has proven himself to be faithful to the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association. He will be devoted to you as well.

With sincere gratitude,

Dr. Chris Crain

Executive Director of BMBA