Selecting a pastor search team is a crucial task for any Baptist church following the termination, resignation, or retirement of a pastor. While such transitions are inevitable, they should ideally be infrequent. Regularly assembling a pastor search team may indicate underlying health issues within the church. This process should adhere to the church's governing documents. Here, I offer suggestions for selecting a pastor search team, with a focus on strengthening the church’s biblical foundation and unity during this pivotal time.
The pastor search process provides a valuable opportunity to engage the congregation and reinforce three foundational Baptist beliefs. First, the teaching of the Priesthood of Believers emphasizes that every believer has direct access to God through the finished work of Jesus Christ, without the need for a human intermediary (1 Peter 2:9). This underscores the importance of each member's input in the search process. Second, the biblical qualifications for a pastor, outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, should be mirrored in the members of the search team. Attributes such as being “above reproach, self-controlled, hospitable,” and “having a good reputation” are essential for those on the team. Third, we must remember the sovereignty of God in guiding His church. Trusting in His providence is crucial as we seek a new pastor.
The ideal members for the pastor search team are those who exemplify the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), maintain confidentiality, and have a deep understanding of Christian doctrine; the pastor search team is usually not a place for a new Christian. These individuals should represent the diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds within the church, ensuring the search reflects the true nature of the congregation. Including a variety of ages, backgrounds, and perspectives can provide a well-rounded view of the church to potential candidates. While it is customary to receive nominations from the congregation, church leadership should have a thorough vetting process to assemble a representative and effective team.
Practical considerations should also be addressed before forming the search team. The team should not be too large; groups of five to nine members are common, with two alternates. The chairperson should be comfortable addressing the congregation. It is essential to include members who understand the church’s history, culture, practices, and ministries. Having someone with human resources or business experience can be advantageous. Utilizing an outside consultant from the Association or State Convention to train and guide the committee often leads to a more effective search process. Many team members may lack experience in searching for a new pastor, making the guidance of a trusted consultant invaluable. A consultant often helps the pastor search team deal with challenging situations which arise during a search. Pastor search teams often get into trouble when they try to decipher pastoral resumes and references without experienced help.
Once assembled, the pastor search team is committed to serving until a new pastor is called. The team may or may not be involved in securing an interim pastor; each Baptist church decides its polity of pastoral selection. Typically, the search team collaborates with human resources and finance leaders within the church to update the pastor’s job description, determine a salary range, and create a benefits package. The team must diligently seek and review resumes, evaluate candidates, listen to sermons, conduct interviews, and keep the congregation informed. Presenting a candidate to the church requires adherence to the church’s governing documents and sensitivity towards the candidate. The team has an extensive list of responsibilities and must work cohesively to fulfill them.
If your church needs assistance during a pastoral vacancy, do not hesitate to contact the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association. We have extensive experience in guiding churches through the pastor search process and are here to help.
Bible References for a Pastoral Search:
Priesthood of Believers: 1 Peter 2:9 - "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
Qualifications for a Pastor: 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9
Fruit of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23 - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
In closing, trust in God's guidance as you undertake the important task of selecting a pastor search team in your church. May you seek His wisdom and direction, ensuring that your efforts are grounded in the unchanging truths of the Word of God.